Deliver the most personalized post-purchase experience.

parcelLab is the only truly global enterprise post-purchase software provider, enabling brands to increase top-line revenue, decrease operational costs, and optimize customer experience in an unprecedented way.

Key features

parcelLab’s award-winning post-purchase platform empowers brands to transform mundane operational touchpoints into the most differentiated and personalized experiences, creating customers for life.

Trusted by leading brands including IKEA, Chico’s, H&M, and Yeti, parcelLab actively manages the post-purchase experience across 175 countries and track shipping data from more than 350 carriers worldwide–bringing people and brands closer together.parcelLab helps brands take control of their post-purchase touchpoints through three powerful product suites:

  • parcelLab Convert: Provide predictive delivery dates that increase conversion rates, reduce consumer uncertainty, and improve customer satisfaction.
  • parcelLab Engage: Deliver personalized post-purchase communications and embedded order status pages with hyper-relevant content that engages your consumers, drives web traffic, and accelerates repeat purchases.
  • parcelLab Retain: Enable your customers to easily register and manage their returns, exchanges, and warranties, track returns online, and receive proactive communications to improve the end-to-end customer journey.

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