Henning Berndt verantwortet Geschäft in Mitteleuropa London, 24. Juni 2014 – Metapack, der führende Anbieter für intelligente Versandhandelssoftware im E-Commerce, hat heute die nächste Phase seiner Wachstumsstrategie in Europa auf den Weg gebracht. Zu den Plänen des...
Metapack Limited acquire shipping solutions provider XLogics in a move that strengthens Metapack’s service offering in the European market. Metapack, the leader in providing intelligent delivery solutions for eCommerce and Multi-Channel retailers, announces today the...
Metapack, the leading provider of delivery management solutions for retailers, announces today a £20m investment from Index Ventures, a leading venture capital investor in growth companies. The investment comes following a period of sustained expansion for Metapack...