Integrate Peoplevox with our shipping platform for fast, automated pick, pack and dispatch

Remove manual steps

Print from mobile

Scale up your shipping
Intuitive workflows make it easy to add pack benches and extra capacity to your operation when required.

The 10x Model for ambitious brands
The 10x Model is designed for merchants who know no matter how many sales they can drive through marketing campaigns, what really counts is providing an exceptional service to those new customers and turning them into loyal, repeat buyers. Peoplevox becomes integral to your scale as a business: it starts with picking, packing and shipping every order with precision and speed even at 10x usual volumes, and leads to growing 10x over as a brand in the years to follow.
How it works…

Peoplevox maintains inventory accuracy between website and warehouse

Customer places order

Items are picked and scanned at the pack station

Automated dispatch rules trigger API call between Peoplevox and Metapack

Labels printed with Metapack whilst operator stays in Peoplevox platform

Orders dispatched and on their way to the customer
End-to-end shipping management solutions

Access the world’s carriers
Reduce the cost to ship orders by easily accessing the right carrier and delivery services across all the markets you serve.

Instant shipping labels
Instantly generate approved carrier labels for each orders to ensure you meet your customer delivery promise at the best price.

Easy parcel monitoring
Track the operational performance and current status of all the shipments in the warehouse and those inflight.

“Metapack are a long-term, trusted partner to Peoplevox. Fast Track 100 brands like In The Style, Hype and The Range benefit from our integration and ships thousands of orders daily through the systems. The depth of the Metapack offering is a valuable asset to our shared clients.”
Discover more about our integrations and partnerships
Our integrations remove time, cost, friction & complexity for our customers. If you want to find out more about our integrations and partnerships, please complete the form and one of our team will be in touch.