Right-size the right way.
Leverage a new, AI-driven approach to cartonization to reduce costs and waste.

Packing for profits
Multiple factors affect a cost-optimal packing solution. Consider materials, labor, negotiated rates, and other costs for every packing decision.

Packing for Sustainability
Reduce the cubic volume of your shipments by at least 16%. That makes for happier customers, and fewer trucks on the road.

Packing for Process Efficiency
Empower your operators with consistent packing instructions, so they can focus on getting orders out the door.

Instant Packing Decisions for Efficient Shippers.
With shipping rates and fees on the rise, negotiating with carriers isn’t enough anymore. Only AI can reduce cubic volume, wasted material, labor and shipping costs.
Our stateless API can be used anywhere in your Order to Cash flow- from the shopping cart to the pack station. It’s flexible enough to accommodate unique use cases, and fast enough to keep up, returning most requests in ~2ms per item packed.
Paccurate is used by some of the largest retailers in the world to make packing more sustainable for their businesses, and the planet.

Transportation cost-aware

Item rules like stacking, nesting, rolling

Damage reduction, with less wasted fill

Generate packing instructions with box images

Compare carriers more accurately

Give more precise shipping quotes
Reduce corrugated usage

Increase economy of worker movement
Discover more about our integrations and partnerships
Our integrations remove time, cost, friction & complexity for our customers. If you want to find out more about our integrations and partnerships, please complete the form and one of our team will be in touch.